Defense Cyber Security


Defense Cyber Security refers to the protective measures taken to protect government and military networks, systems and data from cyber attacks and threats.

There are several options for Defence Cyber Security, including:

  • Network monitoring and analysis to detect and prevent attacks
  • Use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to block unauthorised access to systems and data
  • Identity and access management to ensure that only authorised users can access systems and data
  • Data encryption to ensure that data is not compromised during transmission or storage
  • Regular review and update of security policies and procedures

Some of the cyber threats that Defense Cyber Security must address are:

  • Phishing and spear phishing attacks, where users are tricked into clicking on malicious links or attachments to download malware onto their systems
  • Ransomware attacks, in which malware is used to encrypt data on a system and then demand a ransom to release it
  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, where a large number of requests are sent to a system in order to overload it and block access to the system
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), carried out by attackers who have penetrated a network undetected over a long period of time and systematically collect or manipulate data.